
Gotta feel embarrassed for the lad

This Halloween decoration...

Ms. Frizzle the chemistry grad student!

I sewed this together myself. Planning to make some improvements.

The Babadook


My kids and I built a Starship playset

A Flippity Doo Dah.

look at my balls! LOOK AT THEM !!!

Drawing pizza with pizza

Schrödinger's Gattuso

Just a bunny [3 frames, own photos]

When a friend asks me to help them move


Electricity getting trapped in acrylic glass

Pixar lamp costume

ninja. floor is lava. captain balance. Broke my ankle just watching this, etc.

Mini Waterproof Dog GPS Tracker

Travel Mask and Pillow

Gorilla Gripper

This is lit

Magnetic Fridge Bottle Hange

Probably the most useful thing you can still do with a CD-R

Domino Drinks

How an Olympic diver practices

We created a website to automatically discover smooth looping gifs in videos ( Here are a few user-submitted loops (album in comments).

Doctors Strange behind the scenes.

Best costume at the party

Collecting the raccoon tax


“I use my laptop to take notes”

I'll huff and I'll puff

Crazy sceene from Kusturica's Underground movie

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag?

apple's wallpaper recreatex

Tritium Tesseract (hypercube) prototype I'm currently working on.

mom please???

Make 'Em Laugh

When it's my Cake Day and it's also October still...

This loop of a watermelon getting blown up.

Gimme gimme gimme!!!

After Michael played Fortnite

Spy Logic


Digital Fountain by Chad Knight

Cheap cat costume for Halloween

Female dancer with hot gams 1950s

Mind blowing

Just looks mesmerizing...

Florida people knows what’s up