
There’s no fish.

What's for dinner?

This kid is going places and the coach told him to run faster

Something seems familiar about this


The marketing folks at ALDI are gods.

When you can't sleep

Bit of a shitty situation




Miss me with that pay shit

Caught a rare occurrence

Can’t say that about the son

Dammit Grant...

10/10 would call good boy again

Additional stars can be bought...

Underlying overlords

Welcome to the real world!

Zoo exhibits these days


My wife made this for our friend who has Asthma... speechless...

When the 4th grade meets the 4th Amendment

My friend just sent me this.

This turned dark real fast..


Knee appalling tan

This Local tattoo studio has a sign at the reception counter...

My nephew’s shirt is wearing out.

This squirrel always comes to my work place to have his daily dose of fun

How my wife opens things

Giant Schnauzer saves girl from drowning.

Why is it taking so long to fix?

Scything dandelions and white clover with an 85cm blade on an Eastern-style snath.

That feeling when you're about to fall asleep

Get the difference right.

once, people had thick skin

Fan got a 1 year ban from the stadium so decides to rent a crane to watch the game

Tail shaker!

Too true

This elevator is out of service.

Communism, as explained by Patrick Star and Man-Ray.

A Hovercat on Ice

Origin of the word Boob.

Not her first time

I'm catman!


Daytime tekno

Cockpit view, Flying across the pacific northwest

Meanwhile, in china...