Tried to take a selfie at JFK. Caught this gem before I could figure out how to reverse the cam. September 30, 2017 funny IFTTT reddit +
Students were asking this professor if his shirt is missing a 2nd part. X-post from r/pics September 30, 2017 funny IFTTT reddit +
My brother and i started a new thing where we "skittle" each other, he was so confused why his camera wasnt turning on lol, get skittled fool! September 30, 2017 funny IFTTT reddit +
I asked my girlfriend how badly her screen was cracked after she dropped her phone... she sent this September 30, 2017 funny IFTTT reddit +
I filmed a short horror film in my apartment. I would love too hear your feedback. September 29, 2017 funny reddit +
Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should September 29, 2017 funny IFTTT reddit +
MP4's (videos) are allowed here now. They cannot be longer than 30 seconds. They cannot be posted in albums. Links must go directly to the mp4 and not to any other page, and they must be playable in Reddit's player. September 29, 2017 funny reddit +