
Lucky Dog

Time to get a new girlfriend????

Amazon did it. I guess Dominos can, too. (drone delivery)

Timeline of human evolution

Donald Cerrone going Super Saiyan

Target Practice

Just another shitty day in SoCal

Winding down after a tough day at work.

Huddin on tah ritz! (Young Frankenstein)

A look inside Big Ben

WHO do we TRUST MOST? ( Clinton - Trump - Weiner - Lochte )

Willy Wonka Coffee

This is Norbert. part Chihuahua, Cairn Terrier, & Lhasa Apso.

Leaving the hospital while still medicated.

Maths tell us 3 of the most saddest stories

I have no idea what pleases you lot


Give My Creation Liiiiiiiiffe! (Young Frankenstein)

When bad news hits hard (Blazing saddles)

The Fastest Hands in the West (Blazing Saddles)

Cheers to the Waco Kid, Gene Wilder (Blazing Saddles)

When I hear that clowns are trying to lure kids into the woods in South Carolina

Fortunate Dog

Man steals the show

I win. --Dog


Hey You Guys!!! (Killer Klowns)

Sloth Love Klown

Groin Workout!

sportbiking gif new zealand

Interactive Cat

Well, hi there... Wait a second, something seems scruffy here.

Red Panda Monday

86 year old man cuts stone like ancient Egyptians did.

Whirlpool fountain

XXL knitting

Mountain drive


Driveway cam

Best Funny Gif

Red Hot Ball vs Lighters

Best friends

Rugby Self-healing

waterfall inside lake in Portugal

beatricemomo: Day 239. Happy friday! Reblog @beatricemomo... by @debbiediscovers

If you ever feel worried about posting your gif just remember

It ain't a repost if you ain't seent it yet.

dart thrower

My friend told me my chances of getting to the frontpage with a Dumb and Dumber gif would be would be almost zero